Making the Future:
A New Assessment Framework for Local Production
The Study
A mixed-methods approach, synthesizing traditional impact data from questionnaires and interviews with social network analyses, provides an emerging view of the multifaceted impact of makerspaces. Open Works, as a single case, exemplifies the potential of makerspaces as a catalyst for economic revitalization in Baltimore, fostering collaboration among artists, entrepreneurs, innovators, industry, and government. Amid increasing demand for local production space driven by a growing interest in creative outlets, entrepreneurial support, supply chain resilience, and expanding access to the means of production, Open Works has emerged as a national leader. Applied impact research provides an advocacy foundation for policies that promote innovation, workforce development, and inclusive economic growth in Maryland and beyond. Open Works' success serves as a model for other makerspaces across the nation and internationally.
Our Team
The project team included participants from industry, maker leadership, and academia. Trans-disciplinary analysis contributed to the value received from diverse perspectives.
Our Method
A mixed-methods approach, synthesizing traditional impact data from questionnaires and interviews with social network analyses, provides an emerging view of the multifaceted impact of makerspaces.
Our Results
Results are presented in a report format for use by practitioners, policymakers, researchers, students, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders in all sectors of the social, economic, and technological landscape.
Key Questions
What was Open Works’ involvement leading to the passage of Maryland Senate Bill 453 to establish Maryland Makerspace Initiative Program
How is Open Works partnering with TEDCO?
How is Open Works preparing participating makerspaces for sustainable futures that demonstrate positive economic impact?
What is the projected economic impact of makerspaces in jurisdictions where makerspaces are expanded? and
What is the projected impact of funds on makerspace sustainability?
Key Findings