2019 Organizational Assessment & Economic Impact Study
The Study
Our Team
The research team was intentionally recruited for its transdisciplinary characteristics. Transdisciplinary approaches help create a collaborative climate that facilitates innovation.
Our Methods
Qualitative and quantitative analysis are used for exploratory descriptive analysis of programs and outcomes to determine the best approaches for continuous improvement.
Our Results
Results are presented in a report format for use by practitioners, policymakers, researchers, students, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders in all sectors of the social and economic landscape.
Key Questions
How many jobs are supported by Open Works?
What is the demographic makeup of the jobs supported by Open Works?
What kind of businesses are pursued at Open Works?
What are the barriers faced by the businesses located at Open Works?
How can Open Works help reduce or alleviate barriers?
What are the characteristics of the workforce sought by businesses based at Open Works?
What is the three-year outlook of Open Works?
What is the overall economic impact of Open Works?
10 Key Findings
Open Works supports 118 jobs--85 from member businesses, and 33 staff members
Open Works members operate 55 small businesses and nonprofits
34% of Open Works users are from the immediate zip code or those adjacent and 61% are from Baltimore City
91% of Open Works staff lives in Baltimore City
Open Works produces$8M in direct economic impact in Baltimore City annually
Open Works produces $9.9M in direct economic impact in Maryland annually
Open Works is a national leader in diversity
Open Works has educated 3,145 adults in fabrication classes since opening
Open Works served 1,800 young people onsite and through school outreach in 2018
Open Works is the largest incubator in Maryland as ranked by the Baltimore Business Journal with 350 members.